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Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] about Therapy
How do I know if PSYCHED is right for me?
PSYCHED offers a brief phone consultation (15 min) to discuss what you're looking for and to see if therapy with us will be a good fit. Call or schedule directly from the button on the Home page to set up your appointment.
How does PSYCHED work?
Before beginning therapy, you will meet with your therapist for a 90 minute intake. You will be asked to complete forms prior to the intake to share information about your family's history and needs. In most cases, caregivers attend the intake session alone and your child or teen will join you for the next appointment. During the intake, we will learn about your history, the struggles that led you to our office, and what things you've already tried to address the issues. At the end of the intake, we will discuss beginning treatment goals and make suggestions for working together. For divorced or never married parents who cannot meet together, PSYCHED will meet with each parent individually prior to meeting together with parent-child dyads. We will meet for an initial "evaluation" period of 2-3 sessions to make sure that it is a good match and clarify your goals. If you decide to move forward, sessions are typically scheduled one 50-minute session per week.
What are your fees?
PSYCHED is an an out-of-network provider. Rates are adjusted periodically, so please call to discuss current rates. Reduced fee services for those experiencing financial hardship are available on a limited basis. Payment is required at the time of each session and may be made by credit card, PayPal, cash or check.
Certain health insurance policies provide coverage for out-of-network mental health services. However, you (not your insurance company) are responsible for full payment of fees. On request, PSYCHED will provide you with a monthly statement to submit to your health insurance provider or a health savings account. If you plan to use your insurance, you should contact your insurance carrier prior to your intake session and ask about your benefits for psychotherapy. You should inquire about the percentage or rate that they will reimburse as well as other requirements for reimburse.
What is PSYCHED's cancellation policy?
Clients will be responsible for the full fee in the event of a missed or cancelled appointment with less than 24 hours notice. Please be aware that insurance companies do not reimburse for cancelled or missed sessions and it is your responsibility to pay the fee in full.
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] about Psychological Testing
How do I know if my child needs psychological testing and what questions can be answered by testing?
There is a wide range of issues that may prompt the need for psychological testing, including lack of academic progress, disruptive behavior, changes in mood/behavior, or difficulties with attention. Testing can be most helpful when there are specific questions that you wish to have addressed. If you’ve asked yourself questions like the following, your child may benefit from psychological testing:
Is my child depressed or anxious?
Why is my child struggling in school?
Does my child need extra services or special education to support their learning?
Does my child have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
Would my child benefit from therapy?
Why does my child have tantrums or get into fights?
Do past experiences like abuse/trauma bother or impact my child?
What is the process like?
A brief phone consultation is offered to answer initial questions regarding the process of psychological testing in order to help you determine if testing is right for you or your child. Depending on the questions that need to be answered, 2-3 testing appointments that are 3 hours in length will be scheduled. Testing usually follows in the phases described below:
Initial/clinical interviewing:
Approximately 1-2 hours spent with caregivers and the child/teen to clarify questions to be addressed by the evaluation, better understand the presenting issues and the history/impact of these issues.
Depending on the questions being asked and the needs of the child/teen, the number of tests administered will vary. Testing may be completed in a single or across 2-3 appointments for a total of 3-8 hours of testing.
Collateral Contacts:
Telephone contacts with persons who may provide more important information regarding the presenting issues (i.e. teachers, social workers, therapists). Collateral sources will not be contacted without your signed written permission.
Scoring, Interpretation, and Report Writing:
Done by Dr. Osborne to synthesize information gathered from all sources (interviews, testing, observations).
​The final report is reviewed with the parents including the results and recommendations.
How soon will the report be ready?
Typically, a full report takes between 20 to 30 hours to complete. The entire process typically takes between 4-6 weeks, once appointments are scheduled. By the end of our time together, you will have a better understanding of your child/teen’s strengths and needs, as well as an extensive written report with recommendations to address the presenting issues. During the feedback session, you will have time to ask questions regarding the testing and results. Your child/teen is welcome to attend the final feedback session, as appropriate. Feedback for children and teens will be given in a developmentally appropriate manner.In the rare occasion that the results of the evaluation are unable to answer all questions related to the child’s situation, appropriate referrals to other providers will be made.
How much will it cost?
The cost will vary depending on the amount of testing that is needed to answer the referral questions. PSYCHED is an an out-of-network provider. Rates are adjusted periodically, so please call to discuss current rates. Reduced fee services for those experiencing financial hardship are available on a limited basis. Half of the approximated cost for testing will be due at the first appointment as a deposit. The final payment is due at the end of the feedback session. Payment can may be made by credit card, PayPal, cash or check.
Certain health insurance policies provide coverage for out-of-network mental health services, including psychological testing. However, you (not your insurance company) are responsible for full payment of fees. On request, PSYCHED will provide you with a statement ("Superbill") to submit to your health insurance provider or a health savings account. If you plan to use your insurance, you should contact your insurance carrier prior to your scheduling testing and ask about your benefits for psychological testing. You should inquire about the percentage or rate that they will reimburse as well as other requirements for reimburse.
Will you travel to meetings or hold appointments at my child’s school (i.e. SST, 504 Plan, and IEP meetings)?
Yes, appointments can be arranged at the school or home. However, appointments that require traveling (i.e. attending school meetings, testing done at school, school observations), will incur a travel fee.
What should I tell my child or adolescent before the appointment?
Depending on the age/maturity of your child, your explanation may need to be adapted. Tell your child something simple, but clear such as "We want to know a better way to help you. So we are going to go see a doctor who is going to ask you questions and have you do things like you do in school so we can better understand what kinds of things you are good at and what kinds of things you may need help with."
What should I have prepared for our first appointment?
Prior to the first appointment, please review and sign the Informed Consent, Privacy Practices, and Electronic Communication forms online. Please also bring any previous psychological testing/reports that have been completed and pertinent records. Also bring the names and contact information for important collateral sources, such as teachers, therapists, and social workers.